How to Train a Dog to Stop Their Behavioral Issues
Dog Owners are often seen getting either embarrassed or scolding and hitting their pets over their behavior. These behavior issues in dogs are mostly due to their owner’s misunderstanding or mishandling them. New dog owners should get their dogs trained as it is the first step in preventing their behavioral problems. Some of the major behavioral problems dogs show are as follows.
1. Barking
There is more than one way in which a dog might express themselves vocally. Dogs whine, howl, and bark but excessive barking are said to be a behavioral issue. A dog barking may not mean that it is only requiring attention or asking for food but there are many other common types of barks which are playfulness, boredom, anxiety, warning, and more.
A dog owner can control this problem by training them well and teaching them the bark/quiet command. The dog owner should focus on the main issue or cause which is leading to their dog barking the most.
2. Chewing
Providing the correct chew toys to your dog can help the dog owners get rid of this problem as dogs are naturally wired to chew upon things, but excessive chewing is considered as a behavioral problem. The reasons why a dog might chew are boredom, curiosity, anxiety, or puppy teething. What an owner can do is to confine their dog to a restricted area where less destruction is possible and give them a chew toy. Dogs can be trained to not chew on things with a command as well.
3. Digging
Digging up yards or playgrounds comes instinctively to dogs as they will do some amount of digging as they are prone to hunting history. Some general reasons as to why a dog might dig up ground are boredom, excess energy, anxiety, fear, seeking comfort, hiding their possessions, and more.
Dog owners can consider it bad behavior when their dogs dig up their yard or the yards of their family or friends’ houses. The dog can be given a separate area by their owners to dig up and play and get them trained to get restricted to the confined area.
4. Separation Anxiety
A Dog always wants to follow their owner all around and wherever their owners go so getting separated from their owners gives them anxiety which may lead to dogs behaving destructively and aggressively. This behavioral problem will need proper training of the dog or may even require medication in extreme cases.
5. Urination/Defecation Issue
A dog should be well trained as to where to urinate or defecate. This issue can lead to your dog not getting invited to anybody’s home or any public place. Puppies, before the age of 12 weeks are more likely to behave in such a way but older dogs have no reason to behave so. If the problem continues, they should see a veterinarian.
The main possible solution to getting to cure the behavioral problems of their dogs is to get them properly trained and even see a veterinarian as these issues can easily be solved and the dog owners can live with their dogs with minimum issues or problems.
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